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Pupil Leadership

At Thameside we aim to develop our pupils' leadership skills and promote this through a range of roles. These include:

  • Pupil Parliament- pupils are voted in by their classes to represent them and their opinions for the year - more information can be found in the tab!
  • Sports and Play Leaders - pupils who lead games and activities at lunchtime
  • Librarians and Reading Champions - KS2 pupils volunteer to run the Library, supporting children to use it over lunchtime and organise the books. 
  • Pupil Mentors - Pupils are selected to support younger children in a variety of different areas of school life, for example at playtimes, book buddies and supporting with playing games and calm activities. 
  • VAT Student Parliament - Two Year 6 children represent Thameside as part of the Vale Academy Trust Pupil Parliament.
  • Eco and Gardening Club - pupils who are passionate about caring for the environment make up this team, who work together through the year to promote everything eco!  One of our most recent projects was to create a wonderful wildflower space on our field. 


 All of these roles are complemented by additional opportunities to use their skills and talents and to take a key role in developing our school - for example, some of our talented artists in Year 6 recently worked with a local charity to produce a wonderful mural on our outside nursery walls, 


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Thameside Primary School
Cotman Close
OX14 5NL


01235 527600
