Young Carers
At Thameside, we are committed to developing provision for young carers and their families so that they can attend school, enjoy their learning and fully participate in all areas of school life. We are committed to overcoming barriers to learning and help raise attendance and attainment of young carers.
A young carer is a young person who helps look after someone in their family – this may be due to illness, disability, mental health problems or an addiction. Statistics show that there are likely to be young carers in every school; one in ten young carers are under ten years old.
At Thameside
- The whole school is committed to meeting the needs of young carers so that they can attend and enjoy school in the same way as other pupils/students and achieve their potential.
- The school has a designated Young Carers’ School Lead (Miss Polley), who is responsible for young carers and their families. If you think your child may be a young carer, please contact Miss Polley via the school office to discuss any help or support we can offer
- The school has an effective referral system and strong partnership in place with relevant external agencies, for example, Be Free Young Carers
- The school takes a proactive approach to identifying young carers.
- The school reduces barriers to education and learning and supports the well-being of young carers.
- The school understands the needs of families of young carers
We support our Young Carers by running our 'Star Club' where children have opportunity to complete various activities such as arts and crafts as well as socialise with children in a similar situtaion.
We also offer Yoga sessions (through Be Free Young Carers) for our young carers in school.
We recognise that not all Young Carers may not want to be identified in a group. 1:1 support is always available for all Young Carers, regardless if they choose to attend the sessions.
Be Free Young Carers
Be Free YC - Supporting Young Carers in Oxfordshire
NHS guidance and support for Young Carers
NHS - Young Carers - Know your rights.
Children's Society - Young Carers
Advice and support for young Carers
Young Minds - Young Carers coping with life
Young Carers guide for Young People