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The School Day

*Please note that from September 2023, the school day will end at 3.15pm for Reception, Key Stage 1 and 2 (gates will open to parents at 3.05pm). 

For Nursery, for September 23 sessions have changed to:

  • Morning session: 8.45am - 11.45am

  • Afternoon session (starting with lunch): 11.45am - 2.45pm  (with the option of extended day at the cost of £2.50 until 3.15pm)

The times of school sessions in Nursery are:

8.45am – 11.45am Morning Session
11.45am – 1.00pm Lunchtime
11.45am – 2.45pm Afternoon Session  (extended day until 3.15pm can be arrnaged for a fee of £2.50)

School sessions for Reception, KS1 and KS2 are as follows:

7.45 am Breakfast Club
8.25 am Gates open
8.40 am Doors open for parents/carers to bring Reception and KS1 children into class
8.40 am Bell rings on the playground for KS2 children to go into their classes
8.50 am External doors are shut
8.55 am Registration
9.30 am Registers Close
10.30 am Playtime for KS1 and KS2
11.45 am Lunch for Reception children
12.00 pm Lunch for KS1 and KS2
1.00 pm Afternoon lessons
3.15 pm

End of school day

4.15 pm

After school clubs finish (please see individual clubs pages for each club's timings)

Late Arrivals

At Thameside, we place great importance on punctuality to ensure that children do not miss valuable learning time; regular reminders and support for parents is included in our newsletters. Arrivals after 8.50 am should report to the School Office.

Dropping off and Collecting Children

Parents and carers of EYFS and KS1 children are asked to take their children to the classroom doors at the start of the school day. Parents/carers are responsible for supervising children before school starts and children are not permitted to play football, use play apparatus or go on the Trim Trail.

KS2 children may be dropped off on the playground from 8.30 am as a member of staff will be outside to supervise the children and they will then be greeted when the school bell rings. The fenced area is timetabled each morning, so that different classes can play football until school starts. There is no supervision for children before 8:30 am when the school gates are opened. The school cannot take responsibility for children who arrive before this time, unless they have been booked into the breakfast club.

The Headteacher or another member of the School Leadership Team is outside most mornings for an informal chat or to deal with any queries or concerns. We would ask that parents/carers speak to staff about any issues or concerns at the end of the school day, to avoid a late start to lessons.

If for any reason parents find that they will be delayed, or if another person will be collecting a child, please let the office know, so that a message can be passed on. Parents/carers are asked to use a password system when another person is collecting their child/ren.

Parents should leave the playgrounds promptly in the mornings as the gates are locked for site security at 8.55 am. Any parent in school after this time should sign in at the office and collect a badge.

When collecting children at the end of the day parents are asked to wait on the playground. Please note that the play apparatus should not be used by children unless a member of staff is supervising them.

Travelling to School

We are keen to encourage children to walk, cycle or scoot to school wherever possible. The school provides cycle/scooter racks just outside the playground. The school cannot take responsibility for bikes and scooters.

To make sure that all children are kept safe travelling to and from school, we would ask parents/carers who do need to travel by car to park with care and with consideration for our neighbours. Please make sure that the yellow zig-zags are kept clear at all time.

Parents/carers should not drive into school when dropping off and collecting children at the start and end of the school day or when collecting children from after school clubs.


Thameside Primary School
Cotman Close
OX14 5NL


01235 527600
