School Uniform
Thameside uniform with the school logo can be purchased from the uniform shop, Trutex in Didcot. Uniform can either be purchased from them online at or can be purchased directly from the shop in Didcot.
Trutex Didcot, 14 Cockcroft Road
OX11 8LL
Non logo'd uniform can be purchased from any retailer that parents/carers prefer. The school has chosen the required uniform items carefully taking into account the affordability of the items and value for money.
Main School Uniform
Plain Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan or navy blue sweatshirt of cardigan with logo
White shirt/polo/blouse
Grey trousers (no tracksuit bottoms or leggings)
Grey skirt or pinafore dress
Grey/ tights
White/Grey/Black/navy socks
Blue Gingham Dress (Summer Term only)
Suitable black footwear for indoor and outdoor play (School shoes are not required until Year 1)
Wellington boots
Book bag
P.E Kit (not required for Nursery)
Navy T-shirt with logo
Navy shorts
Navy jogging bottoms
Navy fleece/sweatshirt/hoodie
Sports trainers